There is a series of 12 short videos Video In this short video clip Sarah talks about the real secrets to having a vision and how her vision has helped her
During the interview, Sarah gave an honest & inspiring account of the challenges she’s overcome, the leader she’s become, and some excellent advice to help us all step into who we aspire to be.
Sarah Otten is a highly successful Senior Leader in the Biotech & Pharmaceutical Industry and I had the honor and pleasure to interview her in May 2020.
– Your vision sometimes doesn’t unfold until you are ready and you have to step out in faith and the world opens up to you
– People fear stepping out as they are frightened of failure but you need to step into this fear
– When you discover more about what you want you can turn things down that are not ideal for your dream
– Once you have a vision you get clearer on the path
What would you advise if people didn’t have a clear vision?
1. Its ok not to have a clear vision
2. Do what you love and stick with it
3. When opportunities present themselves step into them
4. Take time to sit down and work out your goals and keep looking at them
5. Keep stepping on the journey
6. If goals shift and priorities shift THAT’s OK as they are YOURS! *If you would like to see the rest of the series and other videos/content, please go to…
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