Jenny is one of the UK’s leading workplace coaches specialising in Human Behaviour.
An international Leadership and Executive Coach, she heads Feel Good Leadership. She leads a team of specialist coaches committed to supporting business by building high-performance leadership. Jenny is also a facilitator, writer, and dynamic public speaker.
Why Jenny?
Jenny has over 35 years studying Human Behaviour and can call on wide-ranging experience from nursing on psychiatric wards to the corporate battleground.
She has clocked up over 3,000 hours coaching leaders and executive teams. Jenny uses cutting-edge methodologies linking human experience and science-based performance techniques. Her deep understanding of the Human Condition creates for her clients High-Performance Leadership in a Principled Way.
Why She Does It?
Jenny’s mission is to bring humanity into business. This sees her going to the heart of complex workplace issues which she solves quickly and with compassion. She aims to raise the bar of Leadership through “Gold Standard” behaviour, so offering a happier and more fulfilling work environment, raising engagement and authenticity along the way.
How She Does It?
Jenny provides a safe environment for open discussion where nothing is “off limits”. Through this open forum, she connects with her audience by examining the dramas and dynamics of the workplace family which – like all families – experience the same stresses and problems. Jenny takes teams and organisations through their past into the present to create a shared vision of the future.
Who She Is?
Jenny holds a degree in Clinical Nursing and Psychiatry and Diploma in Nursing. She has over 28 years’ experience working in the Pharmaceuticals and Biotech industries during which she has gained qualifications in Neuroleadership, Dispute Resolution and Emotional Intelligence. Feel Good Leadership has seen over 12 highly-successful years providing consultancy support in tackling the toughest workplace issues.
Her Client Base
Jenny’s programmes can be delivered online or in person via one-to-one sessions, team or group meetings, webinars, conference courses or lectures. She draws on 28 years’ experience in the corporate space, with most of her work with leadership mainly, to date. in Pharmaceuticals’, Biotech and Healthcare. However, her techniques and programmes are increasingly having a wider appeal including the charity sector.
What We Do
Three brand new offerings to celebrate 12 successful years of FGL.
Leadership Burst is FGL’s signature leadership programme. Our workplace is uncertain, and it requires a change in behaviour such as risk-taking, innovation and engagement. This high–value 8-week leadership programme benchmarks behaviour and unlocks leadership superpower. The Leadership Burst sets a new bar for leadership behaviour.
In hiring Jenny as a speaker, clients share her life experiences and key insights allied to her skills of live coaching. The issues of leadership are the issues of life. She interviews, facilitates, and leads group discussion where clients can express themselves freely in her safe leadership space.
Following the successful launch in November 2021 of her biography, “The Freedom Bus”, Jenny is taking to road in her Freedom Bus and touring the country bringing her story to conferences and workplaces throughout 2022.